As a visual artist studying a Masters degree in neuroscience, I am interested in how these two disciplines can interact. My passion is understanding visual perception, from both an artistic and scientific perspective. In my arts practice, I work with sculpture and installation, and aim to provide immersive environments for the viewer. I use mixed media to produce my works which typically includes cardboard, paper, wood, concrete, plaster, bronze, paint and resin. My practice involves the creation of both abstract and representational works that play with ideas of preciousness and value.

I have previously worked in collaboration with many science partners. In 2010, I was a visiting fellow at the Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University. In 2013, I undertook a trip to Iceland with Supercollider, a UK based art and science organization. In 2015, I received an Arts ACT grant to participate in ‘Women of Rock’, an exhibition combining art and geology themes in London. This year I have been invited to give presentations on Art and the Brain to public audiences in Canberra and Sydney. Currently, I write for Sci Art in America magazine, and arts editor for Lateral science magazine.

In both this residency and my future career, I look forward to combining art and neuroscience and seeing what comes out of it. In this project, I am exploring the creation of interactive digital works, which is something I have not done previously. While this is a little different to my previous sculptural works, I plan to keep a similar aesthetic. I really enjoy creating works that are hypercolour, abstract, and ‘lumpy’. It will be interesting to see how these concepts can be played out in the digital realm.