The app is now operational! It is also still being tweaked. While the John Curtin School is shutdown for the holiday break, I have been experimenting with the app in my local neighbourhood environment. Here are a couple of new works I have created to be used within the computer mediated reality experience.

I’ve also purchased an ipad as an alternate viewing device which works well due to its large screen. I’m currently working on a proposal to exhibit this work at the Art Not Apart festival in Canberra, March 2017.
This week I have continued making images. I’m currently working at applying filtered images on top of one of my sculptures. I’ll take a video of the process and upload it later this week. Until then, here’s a sneak peek of some images so far. Continue reading New work →
So far, I have been experimenting with images that have crisp edges and are opaque. Yet, these images tend to sit quite abruptly in the environment. This week I tried experimenting with transparency and blur in the digital images I was creating. Continue reading Transparency and blur →
I am learning many new skills in this Synapse residency. For one, I have started learning creative coding using Matlab, and am loving it! I was interested to learn code can even be used to create poetry! Continue reading Learning to code creatively… →
Recipient of the 2016 Synapse Residency Program